Economic Research, Climate & Social Justice

Program Overview

Clement Isong Foundation is committed to advancing knowledge, fostering development, and promoting social justice. Our program on Economic Research, Climate & Social Justice is designed to address pressing issues at the intersection of economics, climate change, and social equity. By conducting rigorous research, advocating for policy changes, and fostering community engagement, we aim to create a more sustainable and just society.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
  • Economic Inequality and Social Justice.
  • Green Economy and Sustainable Development.
  • Environmental Policy and Governance.


World Environment Day 2023

Climate Action and Hope for a historically marginalized Community


Our Results

Climate Advocacy

We engage with policymakers, stakeholders, and the public to influence decision-making processes at local, national, and international levels

Climate Advocacy ​
Research Conducted

Our research agenda encompasses various dimensions, including environmental economics, sustainable development, and social equity.

Research Excellence
Communities Empowered

We provide capacity-building programs, educational resources, and support networks to enhance community resilience and foster social inclusion.

Community Empowered