Youth Empowerment

Project Overview

At the Clement Isong Foundation, we recognize that young people are the driving force behind positive societal change. Our Youth Empowerment program is dedicated to equipping young individuals with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to realize their full potential and become catalysts for progress in their communities.


We achieve this through the following Key Components.


  1. Skills Development and Training.
  2. Mentorship and Guidance.
  3. Education Support Initiatives.
  4. Community Engagement and Volunteering.
  5. Networking and Career Development.


The aim of the Youth Empowerment program at the Clement Isong Foundation is to empower young individuals with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to become proactive agents of change in their communities and beyond.


  • Skills Development.
  • Mentorship and Guidance.
  • Education Support.
  • Community Engagement.
  • Networking and Career Development.
  • Promoting Leadership and Social Responsibility.


Capacity Building

Award Scholarship

International Youth Day Celebration

Our Results

Youth Trained

We provide comprehensive skills development workshops and training programs that equip youth with practical skills in areas such as leadership, communication, entrepreneurship, and technology.

Youth Trained
Education Support

We offer scholarships, educational grants, and tutoring services to support the academic pursuits of young people from underserved communities and ensure equal access to quality education for all.

Education Support
Career Network Formed

We facilitate networking events, internships, and career development workshops that connect young people with professionals, employers, and industry leaders

Career Network Formed